AI for Health Plan Administration: 3 Ways It’s Transforming Benefits Management

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AI is everywhere these days, and businesses are jumping on board faster than ever. It’s not just tech startups in Silicon Valley anymore—according to a recent PwC survey, a whopping 73% of US companies are already using AI in their operations. 

In health benefits, AI is already transforming how plans are designed, managed, and experienced by employees, employers, benefit administrators, insurers, and healthcare providers. 

But not all AI is the same. bswift’s Mindful AI™ is about putting people first. It’s designed to work with people, enhancing their abilities rather than replacing them. And that’s the key to unlocking AI’s full potential in benefits administration. 

From Pen and Paper to AI for Health Plan Management

Let’s pause though, and take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come: 

  • 1980s: Basic PC software arrived, but it was an era still defined by fax machines, paper cuts, paper jams, and… so much paper 
  • 1990s: Basic digitization and networked systems arrive, saving us from drowning in paper (mostly)  
  • 2000s: Digital commerce, social media and so much more turn us all into wannabe data scientists  
  • Today: Mindful AI enters the chat, ready to help us make sense of all that data, while keeping the human touch  

Health plan management has gone from a manual, time-consuming process to one that’s smarter and more efficient — one that improves decision-making and user satisfaction for both plan administrators and participants.  

At the forefront of this change is bswift. We’re using AI to improve accuracy, efficiency, and user experience. 

Key Areas of Impact for AI in the Health Plan Market

1. Automating Administrative Tasks

AI streamlines operations across the health plan ecosystem, fundamentally changing how some administrative tasks are handled, bringing unprecedented efficiency to processes. 

Here are a few ways AI is improving health plan administration:

  • Automating data entry from forms into systems 
  • Predicting and detecting fraud in claims processing 
  • Extracting data from medical forms and entering it into systems automatically
  • Reducing human error and ensuring compliance with regulations 

AI for health plan administration has made a real impact in claims processing. AI can help:

  • Automating the end-to-end process 
  • Providing more accurate decision-making 
  • Improving how claims are handled 
  • Reducing processing time and errors 
  • Detecting fraudulent claims 

The payoff is nothing short of spectacular. Health plans and employers are saving money and seeing fewer “oops” moments, while HR staff can focus on more strategic tasks instead of drowning in paperwork.

2. Personalizing Health Benefits

AI enables personalized health benefits in ways we couldn’t imagine before. It’s powered by a trifecta of AI tech: 

  • Machine learning analyzes data to spot patterns and make recommendations. 
  • Predictive analytics forecasts future health needs and costs. 
  • Natural language processing and generative AI make interactions smoother and more intuitive. 

And that personalization means employees get: 

  • Easy-to-understand benefits education through interactive modules 
  • 24/7 access to AI chatbots that answer benefits questions 
  • Tailored benefit suggestions based on their profiles 
  • Decision support to compare and choose the best options 

It’s a game changer. Employees are more satisfied and healthier, which boosts productivity. Employers benefit from healthier, more engaged employees, and health plans can offer competitive, personalized options.

3. Enhancing Employee Engagement

AI is changing how employees interact with their health benefits, improving engagement at every touchpoint.  AI also delivers personalized communications: 

  • Relevant info via preferred channels (email, text, app notifications) 
  • Timely reminders for health check-ups or deadlines 
  • Custom wellness tips and program suggestions 
  • By sending the right messages at the right time, AI helps employees make the most of their benefits. 

For instance, bswift’s Emma EnrollPro leverages AI to offer real-time help during enrollment: 

  • Personalized benefit recommendations 
  • Step-by-step guidance through the process 
  • Instant answers to common questions

This reduces confusion, errors, and stress during enrollment. Emma EnrollPro autonomously resolves 87% of user queries, making the enrollment experience easier and more efficient. For health plans, AI helps achieve better outcomes and higher satisfaction. Employers get a more engaged, healthier workforce, and employees enjoy a personalized, user-friendly benefits experience. 

Partner with bswift to Lead the Mindful AI Transformation in Health Plan Management

Bottom line: AI is making things more efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly. 

Health plans streamline operations and offer better, personalized options. Employers see better retention and health outcomes. And employees? They get easier plan navigation and improved health support. 

Adopting AI is no longer optional – it’s essential. It’s the difference between just getting by and leading the way. With bswift’s Mindful AI, the future of health plan management is brighter, more efficient, and more personalized than ever—all while keeping people at the center. 

Ready to empower your health plan with bswift’s cutting-edge technology?

Learn more about our solutions now.

The Winning AE Trifecta: AI, Employee Comms and Human Connection
The Winning Annual Enrollment Trifecta